1- Subscription to IqraCrypto’s courses is a Digital Subscription, so once you pay the subscription fees of the course by any means of payment available online, the course will be automatically enrolled on your registered account, and by receiving the course digitally you are not entitled to claim refunds for any reasons whether it is related to your time or inability to attend it for your own personal reasons or because of your different opinions from some of the opinions provided in the course.
2- The participant is entitled to refund the fees for courses that have not yet been launched (Pre Orders) which have not been received on his registered account, but once the course is launched and digitally available on his account, he or she is not entitled to claim a refund or to replace it with another course.
3- IqraCrypto has the right to cancel the customer’s subscription in the course, which he paid for either permanently or temporarily, without refunding the amount paid and without any compensation for the courses in any of the following cases:
A- If the customer subscribed in the course and paid the fees in installments and failed to pay any of the installment on due date.
B- In the event that the customer violates any of the intellectual property rights clauses mentioned in the terms and conditions policy.
C- If the customer shared his account with other persons.
D- Changing certificate name or account name after claiming the document will make the account liable to be charged for the full course again.
If the client buys the course illegally or using stolen bank cards, the Academy has the right to refer the matter to one of its lawyers in the United States of America to file a case against the participant in the United States of America and in his or her home country.
In case of using a payment card without the approval of the card holder, In case notification or complaint is received from the bank that the process has not been approved, the course will be suspended until the matter is resolved with the card holder, and the account will remain on hold until the complaint is resolved, or if it is not resolved the subscription will be cancelled.
Need help?
Contact us at hello@iqracrypto.com for questions related to refunds and returns.